Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Mountain Health Clinic
The newly completed 23,400 SF Mountain Health Clinic in Campo, California celebrated with a grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony on July 19. This 2-story clinic includes 12 exam rooms (minor procedures, pediatric, specialty and telemedicine), an Optometry Clinic, a Dental Clinic, mental health services, a multi-purpose conference room and administrative offices. It is the first complete health care services building in San Diego’s Mountain Empire region.
The aesthetics and design of the building are influenced by both the rural setting and the Pacific Northwest Railway Museum located in Campo. The main lobby is an open two-story space with a welcoming gable roofline featuring wooden beams. The materials are glass, stucco, stone, wood siding and wood beams along with wood trellis and metal sunshade elements reminiscent of the materials of some of the historic buildings in the Campo area, including the Railway Museum.
The facility reaches the ambitious goal of creating a nearly Net Zero Energy building within the challenging Campo, California climate. We implemented unique energy-saving features within the clinic, which is set to exceed Title 24 standards and potentially become a showcase building for SDG&E. Its long term goal is to be a self-sustaining facility with solar, private water well and self-contained septic system.