Innovative Project Underway for Antelope Valley Hospital
The Antelope Valley Hospital – Emergency Department Expansion in Lancaster, California is a modular building that is extending the Department by providing 40 additional low acuity treatment bays to provide emergency services where the patient has non-life threatening issues (i.e. broken arms, large cuts, etc.). The treatment bays have headwalls that provide normal and emergency power, accompanied by Medical Air, Oxygen and Vacuum services. All 40 bays are monitored by a centralized nurse station with the required support services (clean utilities, soiled utilities, medication room and restrooms for staff and patients.
The 7,300 square foot project is under the OSHPD 1 jurisdiction for Construction. The building components are fabricated in Indiana and will be shipped to the site in California for installation. The innovative modular construction technology offers reduced construction time and flexibility for future solutions.
The building is a Type 1 steel and concrete structure and shall meet all Seismic and Life Safety requirements for being licensed in California. It will meet the required SPC-5 and NPC-5 requirements by Code.
Construction is underway and scheduled to be completed in 2021.